Nice Rack
Digital images printed on velvet, foam, plywood, thread, cotton floss, galvanized piping, fiberfill, batting, machine and handsewn
$2,500 | Inquire for purchase here

I am constantly fascinated by the comparison made by men and their perceived ‘trophies’.

Title Origin: ‘Nice Rack’ is the classic play on words ‘You have a nice rack’/’That buck had a nice rack’

Sarah C. Blanchette
she/her | Lake Orion, Michigan
Critical Stuff Member

Artist Statement: Sarah C. Blanchette (she/her) is a photo-based fiber artist working out of the Detroit area. 

Through repetitive acts of hand/machine sewing and physical manipulations of the self portrait, she documents her coming of age in a digital world while embarking on a journey towards growth and autonomy in womanhood.

Since establishing her studio practice in 2015, Blanchette has exhibited nationally and online in galleries, museums, zines, blogs, and artist run spaces. Alongside her practice, Blanchette is the Co-Founder of the artist collective, Critical Stuff. 

Blanchette holds a BA in Journalism and Studio Art Photography from Oakland University (‘15) and an MFA in Photography from Cranbrook Academy of Art (‘17). She is a Juried Artist Member of Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) and a member of Embrace Creatives.


Her Feminine Abomination | Rabi Siddiqui


A Certain Holiness to Starvation | Hayla Hay